Thursday April 20, 2017

Bank Nizwa recently provided fire warden and first aider training to 38 of its employees as part of its vigorous Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy. A translation of the bank’s ongoing commitment to adopting best practices in the workplace, the course was organized to ensure the safest, most risk free and productive work environment possible for employees, visitors and contractors.
Designed and conducted with a practical focus, the two-part course focused on fire safety and first aid. In the first session, Bank Nizwa staff was shown how to identify fire hazards, instructed on their responsibilities in the event of a fire and drilled in the proper procedures to be followed. In addition, hands-on experience in the correct use of a fire extinguisher in an emergency situation was given to all participants. The first aid element of the training gave valuable guidance on recognizing and eliminating commonplace dangers in the workplace. It also highlighted how to manage emergency situations and skills for the immediate care of a sick or injured person while awaiting the arrival of professional medical assistance.
Successfully implemented and well received by the bank’s employees, the course comes as a reflection of Bank Nizwa’s proactive approach to fostering a skilled workforce. To date, the bank has conducted a series of internal and external trainings to enhance the knowledge, capabilities and performance of its team.