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Reflecting its strong dedication to become the financing platform of choice for entrepreneurs, Bank Nizwa’s SME & Commercial Banking has achieved strong growth during the year 2016. The department’s advisory services have been instrumental in helping a wide range of businesses adopt the most effective financial management practices and sustain business growth in a very cost effective manner. With a dedicated and well experienced team in place, the department is set to continue introducing tailored products and services in 2017 that will contribute to the sustainable growth of the bank’s assets.
Bank Nizwa’s Shari’a Supervisory Board held its 19th meeting since inception to review and assess the bank’s overall Shari’a Governance Framework. During the meeting, which was led by Chairman Sheikh Dr. Abdul Sattar Abou Ghuddah, the Shari’a Board approved proposals for the introduction of new products and business propositions to meet the evolving sophisticated financial needs of its growing customer base.
As part of its long-standing commitment to empower educators with opportunity, Bank Nizwa sponsored and participated in a career development program designed to enhance the skillsets of teachers. Held under the patronage of Mr. Sulaiman bin Abdullah Al Salmi, General Manager in the Directorate General of Education, Governorate of Dakhiliyah, the event was organized by Union of Izki Schools at University of Nizwa. The program was also attended by a delegation from the Directorate, as well as 350 educators from across Oman.
Reflecting its position as the Sultanate’s leading Islamic financial institution, Bank Nizwa was named the ‘Best Performing Islamic Bank in Oman’ for the second year in a row during the 23rd Annual World Islamic Banking Conference (WIBC).
Providing enhanced security and greater functionality, Bank Nizwa is inviting customers across the Sultanate to exchange their magnetic stripe cards for the Bank’s EMV chip-based debit cards. Launched earlier this year as part of the Central Bank of Oman’s nationwide EMV migration campaign...