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We have the right financing solutions you need for that dream home in your mind.
As Oman’s First Islamic Bank we realize that owning a Home is always special. It is an asset that represents a secure and comfortable future for you and your loved ones.That is why Bank Nizwa Property Finance, based on the Shari’a concept of Ijara/ Murabaha/ Forward Ijara/ Diminishing Musharakah, offers quick and hassle-free solutions designed to help lighten one of your most demanding commitments. Now you can fulfil your responsibility to your loved ones, and stay true to your values.
All Bank Nizwa products and services are approved by the Shari’a Supervisory Board.
Forward Ijara
Diminishing Musharakah
For more information call 24950500 or visit any of our conveniently located branches.
Disclaimer: Bank Nizwa products and services will be made available at the sole discretion of Bank Nizwa SOAG; subject to Bank Nizwa’s Terms and Conditions for Shari’ah Compliant Account Operation and upon submission of documentation acceptable to Bank Nizwa.