
Samsung Pay

Bank Nizwa brings ease and convenience to you with Samsung Wallet. It allows you to tap and pay via your Samsung phone with seamless and secure payments, without needing a wallet or physical card. Simply sync your Bank Nizwa credit card with the device and you are ready to go.

How to activate?

Activate Your Bank Nizwa Card on Samsung Wallet in a Few Easy Steps:

  • Download the Samsung Wallet app
  • Log in to your Samsung Account in the app to set your PIN
  • Tap "Add Card," then scan or enter your card number
  • Verify your card via SMS/email and enter the OTP
  • Enjoy seamless and secured payment experience


  • Easy Payments: Tap and pay with ease using your Samsung device at contactless terminals.
  • Secure Transactions: Rest assured with biometric security and tokenization features in Samsung Pay.
  • Widespread Acceptance: Use Samsung Pay globally at numerous merchants for effortless transactions.
  • Transaction History: Track your spending and manage your budget with transaction history in the app.
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